Student wellbeing is a critical and central component of the Berengarra School program and is at the forefront of decision making at all times. All Berengarra School staff are wellbeing focused. Additionally, a dedicated wellbeing team is in place to ensure quality delivery of wellbeing services and initiatives across the school.

All students are supported through:

  • Wellbeing-focused behaviour management practices
  • Assisting students to develop understanding, insight and skill at managing own needs within the school environment
  • Holding a view that all behaviour is communication and provides opportunities for learning and growth
  • Focus on relationships as critical to successful engagement
  • Wellbeing-focused curriculum content relevant and adjusted to our students
  • Strategies and interventions around individual behavioural challenges
  • Programs and processes to target individual students’ needs
  • Ready access to support and informal counselling
  • Staff selected for their capacity to work with students with diverse needs
  • Every student well-known by the whole school community
  • Diversity accepted and celebrated
  • Support provided to families/carers around issues impacting school engagement
  • Coordination and liaison with external professionals and services working with students
  • A Child Safe school environment


Some students are supported through:

  • Formal counselling
  • Casework for students at risk or where there are complex needs
  • Development of safety plans where there are issues around risk
  • Intensive support around school attendance/school refusal issues